Youth's and teenagers' posting practices in social media: implications for Personal Digital Storytelling activities


Keywords: digital storytelling, personal narratives, digital social media, social networks

Supporting Agencies

  • digital storytelling
  • personal narratives
  • digital social media
  • social networks


Personal digital storytelling activities in formal education coexist with informal narrative practices. A survey-based study has been carried out and responses to a questionnaire have been collected from a sample of 378 students from 12 to 22 years old. It aims to know where they publish, what they publish and how they publish these contents in order to gather information about how these informal and everyday practices could have an influence in the context of personal digital storytelling activities in formal educational settings. The results obtained helped us identify implications that can be applied in traditional digital storytelling practices in educational contexts: the smartphone as the main device for the publication of stories, allowing the mobility and ubiquity that can bring on new spaces and dynamics for the creation of stories. They afford new possibilities for the composition of publications by adding new layers of meaning that can contribute in the selection of the topics for their stories, inspired by the autobiographical contents published on digital social media. Understanding these practices can help updating traditional personal digital storytelling activities and appraising these new informal practices. 


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How to Cite
Molas-Castells, N., Fuertes-Alpiste, M., Quintana Albalat, J., & Herreros Navarro, M. (2022). Youth’s and teenagers’ posting practices in social media: implications for Personal Digital Storytelling activities. Distance Education Journal, 22(70).