Curriculum management and development of teaching digital competence in initial teacher training


Keywords: Teaching Digital Competence (TDC), Initial Teacher Training (ITT), Evaluative Research, Curricular Management, Early Childhood Education.


This paper analyzes the impact of the curricular management of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) curriculum has on the development of the Teaching Digital Competence (TDC) of future teachers. For this purpose, at the methodological level, an evaluative research approach was implemented. The sample was made up of students (n: 153) from the bachelor of early childhood education program at the University of La Guajira. The data collection instruments used were an observation sheet of indicators of curricular management, and a rubric to evaluate the teaching digital competence. The results show that there are at the curricular level, objectives and subjects that guide pedagogical training in the educational use of digital technology. However, in the assessment of TDC in students, they are located at the lowest levels of the rubric, with 37.3% at the Lower level, and 30.7% at the Low level. It is concluded that trends in educational innovation and integrative processes of the TDC are not reflected, and that there is a need to strengthen the training processes in the ITT so that future teachers develop the competencies that allow an effective use of digital technology to professional level.


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How to Cite
Pinto Santos, A. R., & Pérez Garcias, A. . (2022). Curriculum management and development of teaching digital competence in initial teacher training. Distance Education Journal, 22(69).