Study of videoposters using video annotations as a methodology for scientific events
Online scientific meetings motivated by Covid19 have been a very common practice recently. This modality is not new, but today, due to its growth, it requires stable and experienced technological solutions. In one year, much progress has been made in different functions in videoconferencing systems, as well as in new formulas for presenting scientific papers, such as videoposters, which, using emerging video annotation technologies, allow greater interaction and discussion of scientific papers in an online event. The study analyzes the quantity and quality generated by discussions between authors and listeners at a videoposter presentation table versus a face-to-face one. The evaluation of the experiment is performed under a descriptive study of quantitative and qualitative data, and content analysis techniques "Q-analysis" of the 450 annotations and 355 interventions in the 16 videoposters of an online event. We found twice the production of participation in the video-poster modality compared to face-to-face communications, while listing a relevant number of benefits offered by videoposters for the development of online events and professional learning networks.
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