Validity and reliability of an instrument to evaluate the digital competence of teachers in relation to online tutorials in the stages of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education
This article demonstrates the validity and reliability of an instrument to evaluate the level of digital competence of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers to carry out online tutorials using ICT resources as part of the educational process during the COVID-19 pandemic. The instrument consists of 35 items classified into five dimensions (A – functions of the tutor with the students; B – functions of the tutor with the teaching staff; C – functions of the tutor with the family; D – training in ICT and transfer; E – use of ICT resources). The instrument was applied to a sample of 1,098 active teachers from 14 autonomous communities located in Spain. Reliability was measured using Cronbach’s Alpha, the Spearman-Brown Coefficient, Guttman Two Halves, Omega McDonald, and for composite reliability. To check the validity of the instrument, we analysed the validity of understanding, and exploration of dimensionality using Factorial-Exploratory Analysis (EFA), and the instrument was adjusted for the different models through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). In addition, factorial invariance was evaluated based on the variables sex (male/female), type of centre (public/charter school), and type of teaching staff (Early Childhood Education/Primary Education), as well as external validity. The results of the reliability analyses were highly satisfactory and, in relation to the construct validity, the results found a good fit of the model, both in the internal validity and in the factorial invariance. The final version of the instrument consists of 25 items.
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