The transition towards virtual learning environments in a context of health emergency

A case study of a teaching team in Initial Vocational Education and Training


Keywords: virtual education, COVID-19, school organization, case study, Initial Vocational Education and Training


The declaration of a state of emergency in March 2020, due to the COVID-19 health crisis, caused the closure of all schools in Spain. This article aims to explore the transition from face-to-face teaching to what has been called emergency remote teaching, as well as its implications for future educational proposals.

Our objectives are: to explore what conditions have influenced the process of transition toward emergency remote teaching (ERT), the pedagogical and organisational implications of EST and which teaching model should be transitioned to in the current heath emergency context. In order to achieve them we have conducted a case study of a teaching team in Initial Vocational Education and Training of a school.

The main conclusions suggest that there are three elements that have facilitated the transit to a remote emergency teaching which could also contribute to the building of virtual education environments: the presence of a digital infrastructure at the school for teaching and communication; an educational organisation model based on leadership and autonomy of teaching teams; and the teachers' vision of the family as an essential educational agent.


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16-10-2020 — Updated on 08-01-2021
How to Cite
García-de-Paz, S., & Santana Bonilla, P. J. (2021). The transition towards virtual learning environments in a context of health emergency: A case study of a teaching team in Initial Vocational Education and Training. Distance Education Journal, 21(65). (Original work published October 16, 2020)