Rebuilding practical knowledge in confinement. A teaching experience in Initial Teacher Training


Keywords: Initial Teacher Training, Practical thinking, E-learning, Mentoring, Teaching coordination


This article presents the experience and teaching dilemmas of a group of teachers in the Initial Early Childhood Teachers’ Training, in their adaptation to the virtuality caused by COVID-19. A 10-year-old project that offers an opportunity to rethink Initial Teacher Training in confinement. Initially, the complex and uncertain current social context and the inescapable challenges for Initial Teacher Training are described: the reconstruction of the practical knowledge of our students and the design of an experiential and critical habitus as support for the pedagogical principles of the experience that we describe in the second part. A didactic triangle in permanent relationship with the students’ reflections and the debates and concerns that we, as teachers, have shared in the spaces of coordination and adaptation to virtuality. The conclusions of this experience place coordination and tutoring as relevant axes. At the same time, the difficulties and impossibility of a fully virtual Initial Teacher Training experience facilitating the reconstruction of the practical knowledge of Early Childhood Education teachers without a practice in relation to children are noted.


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Author Biography

Encarnación Soto Gómez, Universidad de Málaga

She is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Malaga. Her topics of research are teaching innovation and educational evaluation, with particular emphasis on learning contexts and action research. She has participated in national and international research projectos such as SIFKAL, BARIE and BARTIC, CHACO LEARN (ARGENTINA) PORTFOLIO GUIDE IN UNIVERSITY. Her most relevant publications include “El tiempo en la escuela” in Cooperación Educativa, Outros tempos para outra escola. REVISTA PEDAGÓGICA PATIO,(Brasil), Objetos de aprendizaje y sujetos que aprenden. ANDALUCÍA EDUCATIVA. en colaboración, Comprehensiveness and Diversity in Secondary Compulsory Education in Andalucía. EDUCATIONAL ACTION RESEARCH, “Innovación de la enseñanza universitaria en la formación de docentes: la relevancia del conocimiento”, en INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA ESCUELA and PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH AND THE RECONSTRUCTION OF TEACHERS' PRACTICAL THINKING. LESSONS STUDIES AND CORE REFLECTION. AN EXPERIENCE IN SPAIN and PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING AND ACTION RESEARCH IN POSTGRADUATE TEACHING in EDUCATIONAL ACTION RESEARCH and the last publication has been Action research as a methodology for re-designing schooling in post-Franco Spain. Handbook of Educational Action Research (2009). Edited by Someck B. and Noftkel S. in Sage Publications; and Luces y sombras de Pisa. Sentido educativo de las evaluaciones externas. CULTURA y EDUCACIÓN y La evaluación como aprendizaje en el practicum de secundaria: tareas y procesos en Aprender a enseñar en la práctica


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16-10-2020 — Updated on 08-01-2021
How to Cite
Soto Gómez, E., Maldonado-Ruiz, G., Márquez-Román, A. ., & Peña Trapero, N. (2021). Rebuilding practical knowledge in confinement. A teaching experience in Initial Teacher Training. Distance Education Journal, 21(65). (Original work published October 16, 2020)