Adapting a university subject to online learning in times of COVID-19: a chance to improve

This is an outdated version published on 12-10-2020. Read the most recent version.


Keywords: COVID-19, communication, social responsibility, training, accompaniment.

Supporting Agencies

  • Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales


Introduction: COVID-19 has revealed the urgent need to have some deontological overview over the widespread news which monopolize media and social networks. The Social Responsibility subject at the UFV Faculty of Communication aims to raise awareness among students so that when they exercise their profession they report truthfully. COVID-19 has forced us to adapt this subject to maintain its educational purpose through on line learning. Methodology: We proceed to make a description of the subject, as well as its curricular adaptation using new resources due to confinement. We carry out a qualitative analysis, applying Atlas.ti on the material produced by the students, to show how they have become agents of social change. Results: The main consequence is the significant increase in the degree of social responsibility of the university student during the pandemic through different forms of communication from the usual ones. Conclusions: The pandemic has provided an opportunity to rethink the subject and has enriched the experience of the university student in the search for collaborative solutions and help, reinforcing their social commitment to the common good through on line learning.


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How to Cite
Miró López, S. (2020). Adapting a university subject to online learning in times of COVID-19: a chance to improve. Distance Education Journal, 21(65).