STEM Education in and for the digital world

The role of digital tools in the performance of scientific, engineering and mathematics practices


Keywords: Herramientas digitales, TIC, STEM, educación científica, competencia digital.

Supporting Agencies

  • Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (EDU2015-66643-C2-1-?) and the research group ACELEC (2017SGR1399)


Currently there is a wide range of digital tools that can be used in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education (the STEM disciplines) during primary and secondary school. Based on the definitions proposed by international consensus frameworks,we aim to discuss the relationship STEM education and digital tools, focusing on how an adequate symbiosis between both can contribute both to improve the scientific, mathematical and technological students‘ competences, and to improve their digital skills, necessary for their personal and professional development in the digital era. We intend to provide a perspective to the use of digital tools in school, going beyong fashions, and discussing why and how to use each of these tools. More especifically, we propose which opportunities offers the digital-based instruction for STEM learning, and at the same time which opportunities offers the STEM instruction for digital learning. With this research-based discussion, we aim to overcome the debate "digital tools yes or not", but "how and why" to use these tools in school.


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How to Cite
López Simó, V., Couso Lagarón, D., & Simarro Rodríguez, C. (2020). STEM Education in and for the digital world : The role of digital tools in the performance of scientific, engineering and mathematics practices. Distance Education Journal, 20(62).