Mathematical and algorithmic modeling of the terms of the theory of socioconstructivism for a digital educational environment


Keywords: cognitive development, eLearning, knowledge level, item response theory, developmental stages, psychometrics, educational indicators, teaching-learning trajectory


The focus is on the Next Generation Digital Learning Environment concept and a list of typical components that can be integrated into an educational environment using the NGDLE model. The possibility of immersion of the theory of developing learning into the digital environment is considered. The meaning of developing learning consists in the successive change of development zones according to the scheme "zone of actual development ⇒ zone of proximal development ⇒ zone of subsequent development". The task of construction a mathematical model of the zone of the proximal development is set based on the latent trait theory and computational psychometrics. To compare the width of the zone of the proximal development by numerical value the idea of its proportionality to the training level is used, which in turn is considered as a latent variable. To formally describe this indicator, a list of measurable indicators is proposed: indicators of learning activities and the pattern of user interaction with the digital environment. The constructed model of the development zone is used for adaptive control of e-learning. The algorithm of adaptive control, which implements the development learning, is given. The methodology for assessing the expediency of applying the model of the zone of proximal development is described. To assess the feasibility of using experimental material - data on the results of the educational activities of the students. As a result of the study, the hypothesis that the training level achieved in the course of developmental learning is higher than that of e-learning without taking into account the theory of developmental learning is confirmed. In addition, the approaches to the architecture of modern digital educational environment are considered.


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Author Biographies

Marina Kosonogova, Belgorod State Technological University

Engineer of Systems and Information Technology, PhD in technical sciences. Professor of the Faculty of energy, information technologies and control systems of the State Technological University of Belgorod, Russia. Research and publications are related to the field of e-learning: digital educational environments of a new generation, development of scientific-based approaches to measure the level of educational achievement. He was the executor of the project on the development of methods for the quantitative evaluation of skills based on the analysis of student behavior. He participated in several scientific schools, whose profile is associated with the application of the theory of the measurement of latent features.

Jesennia Cardenas Cobo, Milagro State University

Systems Analyst, Diploma in Higher Education, Master in Business Administration, candidate in doctor in Software Engineering from the University of Seville (Spain). Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the Milagro State University. She has more than 16 years of professional experience in the area of higher education, analyst and head of Software development projects in the commercial and government area in important public and private sector companies. Research Area: line of software products & artificial intelligence applied to engineering education, quality assurance of higher education.


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How to Cite
Ivanov, I., Kosonogova, M., & Cardenas Cobo, J. (2020). Mathematical and algorithmic modeling of the terms of the theory of socioconstructivism for a digital educational environment. Distance Education Journal, 20(64).
Theories of learning and instructional theory for digital education