Modeling Expertise Through Decision-based Learning: Theory, Practice, and Technology Applications


Keywords: Decision-based Learning, DBL, Educational Technology


In higher education, faculty are generally hired for their expertise in the field. They have received extensive training in the discipline but have received limited training in teaching. Thus, they struggle in two ways to teach and develop expertise in novices: First, they are often blind to how their own intuitive expertise functions, and second, they lack a pedagogical strategy to teach their intuitive expert decision-making to students. In this paper, we synthesize the literature on these difficulties for experts. We then discuss how DBL uses cognitive task analysis to help experts make their knowledge explicit and how DBL may be an appropriate pedagogical solution for many university professors. Finally, we provide case studies of DBL in action and discuss how educational technology can support the theory and practice of Decision-based Learning.


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How to Cite
Cardenas, C., West, R., Swan, R., & Plummer, K. (2020). Modeling Expertise Through Decision-based Learning: Theory, Practice, and Technology Applications. Distance Education Journal, 20(64).
Theories of learning and instructional theory for digital education