Computational thinking: A new way to train working memory?


Keywords: computational thinking, working memory, training.


Computational thinking is a new concept wich has been adquiring relevance in the last few years. There are some evidence of trainings based on this new concept improving different cognitive abilities. In this paper, it has been used a training based on computational thinking, designed by “aula cultural de pensamiento computacional” and the general fundation of the University of La Laguna. This training was applied to students of secondary obligatory education who had been divided into two grups: one group recives the training with a methodology based in guide learning and the other group recived the training based on autolearning methodology. The main objective of this paper is to prove that training can improve the measures of working memory and check if the participants who have a high level of working memory take more benefits of the training. The results show that the training based on computational thinking improved the measures of working memory. In addition, there was no evidence of a higher level of benefit of the training in most of the taskes in the participants who have a high working memory level.


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How to Cite
Sanabria Zafra, E., Rodríguez Rodríguez, N., Zerpa Pérez, A. E. ., Prieto Marañón, P., & Alonso Rodríguez, M. Ángeles. (2020). Computational thinking: A new way to train working memory?. Distance Education Journal, 20(63).
Computational Thinking