ICT in the attention to educational diversity: the case of the Basque Autonomous Community


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/red/61/07
Keywords: Tic, Política Educativa, Inclusión, Diversidad, Justicia Social

Supporting Agencies

  • Basque Goberment IT 1420-19


The purpose of this article is to approach the educational policies that from the Ministry of Education of the Basque Government support the proposal to promote the development of an inclusive school. Our focus is on the path of these policies over the past ten years. Through the identification and selection of documents of the Ministry of Education, public access, we focus the analysis on the role that is designated in them to Information and Communication Technologies, in a clear commitment to work the social integration of students most vulnerable in the Primary Education Stage. Two experiences help us to value the role that digital technologies can play in the integration of the most disadvantaged groups. It is possible to advance that the result is paradoxical, when the lack of links between information and communication technologies is found, with the majority of these social integration initiatives, although their value is institutionally recognized in many other institutional documents.


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How to Cite
Ochoa-Aizpurua Aguirre , B., Correa-Gorospe, J. M., & Gutiérrez-Cabello Barragán, A. (2019). ICT in the attention to educational diversity: the case of the Basque Autonomous Community. Distance Education Journal, 19(61). https://doi.org/10.6018/red/61/07