Digital competence: a need for university teachers in the 21st century


  • Mª Paz Prendes Espinosa Universidad de Murcia
  • Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán Universidad de Murcia
  • Francisco Martínez Sánchez Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Digital competence, university teacher, digital competence model


This article presents an analysis of the current situation of Spanish universities and their technological infrastructure. This analysis is the first step to reflect on the situation of university teachers. We focus on teachers' professional competence in order to revise their teaching competence, which will allow us to examine different models of teaching digital competence at university. This systematic review is useful when presenting our own proposal. After collecting data on all the dimensions described in previous models, we build a new model based on five dimensions (technical, information and communication, educational, self-reflection, and social and ethical) and three fields of application (teaching, research, and management). This new model may be a useful tool for future empirical research while it may promote critical reflection.


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How to Cite
Prendes Espinosa, M. P., Gutiérrez Porlán, I., & Martínez Sánchez, F. (2018). Digital competence: a need for university teachers in the 21st century. Distance Education Journal, 18(56). Retrieved from