Variation of the autonomy in the learning, in function of the knowledge management, to diminish in the students the effects of the isolation


  • Luis Danilo Flores Rivera Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH). Riobamba, Ecuador
  • Carlos Fernando Meléndez Tamayo Universidad Técnica de Ambato (UTA). Ambato, Ecuador
Keywords: Autonomous Learning, online tools, technological resources, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Higher Education


Autonomous learning in university education is a key element in managing knowledge, as well as reinforcing and feedback on content. In this sense, online technological resources are considered as the ideal ally in strengthening autonomous learning. Which facilitates learning processes and reduces effects produced by isolation. Today the use and application of a number of virtual technological tools are adapted to the specific needs of the student.
This research was carried out in a population of 58 students and 26 teachers from a private university in Ecuador that had the necessary technological equipment and online tools to carry it out. A structured survey was conducted to identify and learn about online tools in terms of autonomous learning activities, academic performance, use of technological resources among others, from which it was possible to determine the importance of online resources in the academic management of autonomous student learning.


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How to Cite
Flores Rivera, L. D., & Meléndez Tamayo, C. F. (2017). Variation of the autonomy in the learning, in function of the knowledge management, to diminish in the students the effects of the isolation. Distance Education Journal, 17(54). Retrieved from