Student Teachers’ perceptions towards the process and outcomes of Blended Learning


  • Raimundo Castaño Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • Cristina Jenaro Universidad de Salamanca
  • Noelia Flores Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: information and communications technology, learning technologies, higher education, teaching methodology, virtual platform


Blended learning is becoming key in university contexts that use these and other learning environments as alternatives to develop courses outside the boundaries of the classroom. The current research aims to identify the perceptions of a group of Primary Education student teachers on training using Blended Learning. Data were gathered on two subjects taken during the second semester. A total of 234 participants from different specialties were included. For data collection, an online form to be filled in by students was developed. The measure has been found to have high levels of reliability and usefulness in predicting satisfaction. Descriptive analyzes were performed, and nonparametric tests (Chi square) with categorical variables, as well as parametric tests (analysis of variance and regression analysis) for continuous variables were utilized. The results suggest that although factors such as gender or subject do not seem to differentially affect satisfaction with blended learning, other variables, such as the specialty being studied, may be affecting the acceptance of this methodology.


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How to Cite
Castaño, R., Jenaro, C., & Flores, N. (2017). Student Teachers’ perceptions towards the process and outcomes of Blended Learning. Distance Education Journal, 17(52). Retrieved from