Determinations and relationships of interaction in the triangle of questions, creativity and learning
The objective is to argue about relationships between questions, creativity and learning and propose guidelines to build creative educational contexts. We submit theoretical approaches relating to problem finding and stress the importance of the questions in assessing creativity. We retrieve results of a recent study entitled Evaluation of creativity: analysis of alternative variables related to the form and content of the answers in the test CREA, in which we analyze 12,000 questions, build typologies and alternative scoring for CREA. Then, we refer to creativity as an essential component of learning and propose an educational perspective in which questions are the focus for the construction of creative teaching and learning contexts.We emphasize the role of the unique and unexpected questions as strategies for teaching and learning. The educational perspective proposal also recognizes the particular current technological contexts as spaces for interrogation. Furthermore, we argue about the cognitive, metacognitive and emotional underpinnings of the questions in educational contexts. Finally, we propose considerations regarding relations between questions, creativity and learning in contexts of technological mediation.Downloads
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