The Evaluating of Integration of ICT in Higher Education: Foundation for a Methodology


  • Pedro Nolasco Vázquez Universidad Veracruzana
  • Mario Miguel Ojeda Ramírez Universidad Veracruzana
Keywords: ICT Indicators in higher education, Technological acepptance, Technological routinization, Technological infusion


A methodology to study the incorporation of information technology and communications (ICT) in higher education is supported and proposed, from the perspective of organizational behavior post-implementation technology. Conventionally, the proposed methodologies for this purpose are based on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM): the higher the digital maturity of key processes, greater organizational maturity (Duarte & Ventura, 2011). However, the CMM does not consider the relationship of individuals in the organization with the implemented technology, which may influence incomplete diagnoses, return on investment and successful implementation. Therefore, a methodology based on the post-implementation organizational behavior technology, complemented with the concept of technological appropriation and the conceptual model for the measurement of ICT in education UNESCO (2009) is proposed. The pilot test was used to assess the feasibility of the model for the development of preliminary diagnoses.


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How to Cite
Nolasco Vázquez, P., & Ojeda Ramírez, M. M. (2016). The Evaluating of Integration of ICT in Higher Education: Foundation for a Methodology. Distance Education Journal, (48). Retrieved from