Latin American Present and Future of Teaching and Learning in Virtual Environments in Relation to Higher Education


  • Beatriz Fainholc Universidad Nacional de La Plata-CEDIPROE
Keywords: Information Society, Higher virtual education, Production, Use of digital knowledge, Reformulation of pedagogic-scientific-technological conceptions, Latin American countries


The virtual educational system, in particular referred to Higher Education towards knowledge production in Latin America is in progress. However, it still shows strong weaknesses with poor Internet connection, ICT and derivate devices and formats. Moreover, it has not been able to overcome the low educational quality it offers in general and in distance programs; or to study if the impact of training courses has improved the high social vulnerability, the inequity results and their known risks.

Based on these appreciations, it is necessary, among many topics, to revisit the conceptual and methodological framework of electronic educational proposals, and the organizational and institutional conceptions of universities, including distance/virtual Higher Education programs, in order to redefine their design, implementation and evaluation because of the strong socio-economic, cultural and formative projections that these countries need for their development when adopting those educational proposals. The intervening variable of the power structure which many times, decides about those issues is also considered.

A genuine educational perspective of virtuality should have a crucial role in the information and network society, through overcoming the technical-instrumental rationality with political-economical, academic and socio-epistemic framework change.

The educational technology is a depending/intervening variable to the formation of people, as it is known. Besides, the scientific and technology sectors are highly relevant for a country, region, etc., related to the development of an aware citizenry and their agency competences, which they usually lack.


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How to Cite
Fainholc, B. (2016). Latin American Present and Future of Teaching and Learning in Virtual Environments in Relation to Higher Education. Distance Education Journal, (48). Retrieved from