Computers in Education: Advances and Experiences


  • Francisco José García Peñalvo
  • Miguel Ángel Conde González
Keywords: Computers in Education, Research, Technology, Education


Computers in Education is a research area that is internationally consolidated as an applied research field in which the interdisciplinary component has a key role. It is usual and enriching that Computers in Education works combine research teams composed by engineers, educators, psychologists and experts from all paths of knowledge. The outcomes from this kind of research projects give real artifacts and experiences that are applied in all educational levels (from early childhood education till doctorate programmes, including the professional training), with all the learning formality approaches (formal, non-formal and informal) and using all the presentiality levels (face-to-face, online and blended). Thiscombination of factors allows publications from this area to be allocated in a diffuse and border line between Science/Engineering and Social Sciences scopes. There are several international events and specialized journals related to Computers in Education. Among them, the Simposio Internacional en Informática Educativa (SIIE) is one of the most consolidated ones in the Latin-American region, with fourteen editions celebrated till 2012. Specifically, this RED special issue on “Computers and Education: Advances and Experiences” gathers a selection of four contributions presented in 14th edition of SIIE, which was held in Andorra last October 29-31, 2012. These papers were selected by the Program Committee due to their final score in a double-blind review process and also taking into account the opinion of the session chairman during the Conference celebration. Afterwards, these selected papers were extended and reviewed again to be published in this special issue.


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How to Cite
García Peñalvo, F. J., & Conde González, M. Ángel. (2015). Computers in Education: Advances and Experiences. Distance Education Journal, (36). Retrieved from

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