Training program for university teachers on using the wiki as a teaching strategy in adult education.


  • Anais Hidalgo Sanpedro
Keywords: Wikis in education, training for university teachers.


Despite the reflection made by the academic community about the need for technology training of teachers, the hypothesis of this research is that there is little the incidence of the courses that implement wikis as a teaching strategy for students. We approached the problem from the lack of technology training for teachers who may have, about collaboration tools with the use of technology. A wiki is a website editable or modifiable by the users themselves, in which they interact in the development of a single space. This is a feasible project whose objective is to design a teacher training program for ULACIT teachers. A questionnaire was self-administered online using Survey Monkey free software. The link was sent to 15 teachers from the School of Psychology at the University of Science and Technology (ULACIT), Costa Rica. It was found that ULACIT teachers are inclined to train as facilitators of processes where students interact with their peers in achieving their learning. Three actions are proposed: the development of a wiki by the teachers, the implementation of a wiki on some of the courses and the implementation of a learning journal to collect the experiences of students in the participation of a wiki. The three proposed actions seek to bring an initial experience in the use of wikis and an additional support or advice to teachers in their first implementation of this tool.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Sanpedro, A. (2015). Training program for university teachers on using the wiki as a teaching strategy in adult education. Distance Education Journal, (31). Retrieved from