A Contemporary Analysis of Twitter


  • Beatriz Fainholc
Keywords: Social network, Twitter, Language use, Strengths, Weaknesses


Social networks on the Internet are the most important current socio-electronic phenomenon, which reformulate our everyday life in its basic ways of communication and channels for interaction and knowledge production, ICT mediated. They could be beneficial or limited , but never panacean. Digital literacy is based less only on the mastery of tools and technological platforms, - which have shown to be quite ephimeral- , and more on high order thinking and on the development of digital competences to face, demystify and optimize the multiple aspects of electronic artifacts and programs, and not only to (poorly) value the information or the multimedia content they hold, but the way in which communication is established, analyzing its stengths and weaknesses so as to capitalize the former and compensated the latter towards a more comprehensive development of people, groups and social organizations. In this framework, Tweets are analysed in their contemporaneity and in their potential as elements to be integrated in face-to-face or virtual teaching and learning situations.


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How to Cite
Fainholc, B. (2015). A Contemporary Analysis of Twitter. Distance Education Journal, (26). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/red/article/view/231971