Formative evaluation of an ongoing training course for European Judges. 1 st. Part: Methodology and results of the training programme


  • Ángel Javier Fresneda-Heredero
Keywords: E-learning, education quality evaluation, evaluation research, instructional design, social constructivism


The aim of the work is the evaluation of the quality through the six editions of the e-learning course The Judicial European Space in Civil Matters from 2004 to 2008 edition, organized by the Spanish Judicial Council and with the participation of European and Spanish Prosecutors and Judges. As outcome of the evaluation, we propose some improvements in the course and the basic lines for the design of a Virtual Community of former participants. The evaluation research methodology has been used, and it has been focused on the learning processes facilitated on the course from the point of view of the social constructivism theory and learning on the Internet. The data analysed have a quantitative and qualitative character and they come from the implementation and evaluation reports of every edition, as well as from the application of the questionnaire by Marcelo, C. and Zapata-Ros, M. (2008).


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How to Cite
Fresneda-Heredero, Ángel J. (2015). Formative evaluation of an ongoing training course for European Judges. 1 st. Part: Methodology and results of the training programme. Distance Education Journal, (26). Retrieved from