A new (Gallo-Roman) magic figurine held at the Musée Dobrée (Nantes)
Supporting Agencies
- This work has been carried out within the framework of the project “Subterranea religio: caves, epigraphy and ritual in Indo-European Hispania” (PID2019-107742GB-100) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and under the auspices of the Hiberus Research Group of the Government of Aragon.
This paper contextualizes, analyses and explores a Gallo-Roman anthropomorphic female effigy made of lead held at the Musée Dobrée in Nantes (France), by taking into consideration the ritual manipulations of varying intensity which presents throughout its physiognomy. The documentation of coercive strategies such as cranial aggression, double eye transfixion, mutilation of part of the upper and lower limbs, and incision of the genitals, which have been attested on a large number of Greco-Roman magical figurines, enable us to propose a new interpretation of the functionality of this effigy, which instead of being a votive item it embodied the victim of a magic ritual of erotic attraction (agogai), who, by virtue of this execration, would experience an irrepressible desire and passion for the defigens.Downloads
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