Review: G.A. García Fernández (2022), ¿Qué historia enseñar y para qué? Historia, educación y formación ciudadana. Dos estudios de caso: Chile y España (2016-2017)


  • Francisco Laguna Álvarez Instituto Universitario de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Alcalá
Keywords: Educational anthropology, Comparative education, National identity, Spain, Chile


The text is a review of the book written by G.A. García Fernández García Fernández (2022), ¿Qué historia enseñar y para qué? Historia, educación y formación ciudadana. Dos estudios de caso: Chile y España (2016-2017).

The book analyzes the foundations and historical evolution of History teaching in schools from the 19th century to 2017 in Chile and Spain. In this study, the author examines the political use of History by power groups, both in the nineteenth century era and today, and questions the impact of historical teaching on the citizenship perception of students. The author relies on four ethnographic case studies conducted in educational institutions (secondary schools) in Viña del Mar, Chile, and Alcalá de Henares, Spain, between 2016 and 2017. The book's thesis emphasizes that the history taught is a fundamental variable in shaping civic perceptions in school, as students receive and assimilate specific logical, narrative, and epistemological structures that influence their perception of citizenship.


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How to Cite
Laguna Álvarez, F. (2024). Review: G.A. García Fernández (2022), ¿Qué historia enseñar y para qué? Historia, educación y formación ciudadana. Dos estudios de caso: Chile y España (2016-2017). Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 18, 235–240.