Libels, cabals and feasts: a proposal to reconstruct military proclamations in Late Antiquity through the cases of Probus, Magnentius and Julian


Keywords: History, Ancient History, Warfare, Army, Antiquity, Classical Literature, Content analysis


Despite the large number of military uprisings that occurred in the Roman Empire, and especially in the Third Century, we know very little about how these conspiracies were prepared and executed on paper. Not counting the atypical case of Procopius, related in detail by Ammianus Marcellinus, the literary sources, already problematic and /or scarce in many cases, leave many gaps in the accounts of such processes, which recent historiography tries to fill with hypotheses. Without assessing the motivations of the phenomenon or the degree of responsibility of the different parties involved in the so-called usurpations, we offer an explanatory proposal from the merely technical point of view, that is, how a certain group of conspirators manages to devise, scheme and execute a plan or series of plans with the aim of attaining power through the support of certain military forces and overthrow, almost always assassinating, the reigning emperor.


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How to Cite
Sancho Gómez, M. P. (2021). Libels, cabals and feasts: a proposal to reconstruct military proclamations in Late Antiquity through the cases of Probus, Magnentius and Julian. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 15, 7–29.