The teacher as a preacher, provoker and hermit. A pre-text to think on the tasks of History didactics


  • Enrique Ibáñez Rojo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: historiography, epistemology, relativism, cultural theory, history didactics


The teaching of history is bound to be controversial, since it is essentially moral and political education of young people in societies that are, and have always been, culturally diverse. This article advocates the usefulness of the latest philosophical scepticism (or, if you prefer, the “postmodern” relativism) to reconsider the tasks of the didactics of this discipline and to frame an ideal image of the history teacher capable of transmitting lessons that could be truly relevant for the advance of the democratic community and the education of its future citizens.


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How to Cite
Ibáñez Rojo, E. (2015). The teacher as a preacher, provoker and hermit. A pre-text to think on the tasks of History didactics. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 9(-), 93–107.