Spartacus in Archaeology


  • Juan Luis Posadas Universidad Nebrija
Keywords: ancient history, archaeology, roman history, epigraphy


Since 2011 we are developing a research about the written sources on the rebellion of Spartacus. In this paper we are to review some archaeological evidences on that rebellion. The most important of these is the wall graffito discovered some decades ago in Pompey representing a horseman with an inscription in Oscan language referring to a Spartaks. Our hypothesis is that this painting represents a specific episode of this rebellion dated in 73 b. C. (the defeat and murder of Praetor Cosinius by Spartacus).


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How to Cite
Posadas, J. L. (2015). Spartacus in Archaeology. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 9(-), 43–49.