The Role of Local History in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Slovenia: An Evaluation of the Centre for School and Outdoor Education


Keywords: extracurricular activities, educational environment, teacher education, program evaluation


The aim of the article is to investigate which elementary and secondary school subjects cover topics related to local history, what kind of activities are offered by the Centre for School and Outdoor Education, and what is the role of local history in understanding national, European and world history in Slovenia. Analysing the programme and activities of the Centre, it becomes evident that the Centre offers suitable methods and activities for those social science subjects that relate to various locations in Slovenia. Learning outside the classroom and exploring the hometown enable students to better understand the people, events and everyday life in the past, the changes and continuities and their reasons and consequences, as well as the needs, rights and responsibilities of people living in the present. On this basis, the article suggests that knowledge of local history provides an important basis for the understanding of the regional, national, European and global environment.


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How to Cite
Trškan, D. (2017). The Role of Local History in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Slovenia: An Evaluation of the Centre for School and Outdoor Education. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 11(-), 123–134.