National Narratives in History Teaching and Learning: A Review on History Textbooks and Students’ Narratives
Supporting Agencies
- Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-096495-B-I00)
Traditionally, national narratives have played a central role in the teaching and learning of history. However, since the end of the 20th century, history educators have pointed out how these narratives can hinder the development of historical thinking. Through a systematic literature review, this article analyses the role of national narratives as it has evolved in the last 25 years. On the one hand, studies focused on the role of national narratives in history textbooks are analysed. On the other hand, the article reflects on the advances in research on how the students narrate the past of their nation. In general, research shows the relevance of these national narratives in the way the past is produced and consumed. Nevertheless, new projects continue to emerge which propose to denationalize the past. Finally, some of the new challenges for this line of research are discussed.
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