Evaluation of the blended learning modality in health sciences programs
Introduction: Learning management systems have attracted great attention after the COVID-19 pandemic for the development of virtual (remote) and blended learning modalities in higher education institutions. These processes deserve a constant evaluation process to carry out interventions to strengthen them and adapt to the requirements of teachers and students. The objective of the present study was to compare the partial grades of students who took subjects in face-to-face and blended mode at the Faculty of Health Sciences and to evaluate the degree of student satisfaction with the blended mode. Methodology: Descriptive, retrospective and quantitative study. The sample consisted of 2,356 partial grades of 45 subjects and 189 students from the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Satisfaction Questionnaire of university students towards Llorente's online training was implemented. Results: Mean grades ranging between 6.49 and 6.60 were found in the compared periods without detecting statistically significant differences. Regarding student satisfaction, a higher level of satisfaction was identified with aspects related to the teacher-tutor and satisfaction was high in all dimensions. Conclusion: The grades are equivalent in the periods compared, showing that blended attendance did not impact the students' partial grades for the better or worse in the period studied, and the level of student satisfaction was high and was linked to a good connection. to the internet, younger age and location of learning.
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