From the criticism of modern subjectivism as nihilism, Heidegger questions the humanistic anthropocentric model, describing instead man as «the shepherd of Being ». Nevertheless, Being seems to require in the end a few chosen men for the preservation of its truth: the poet the thinker and (during the thirties, till 1938) the founders of states, who appear as true "leaders" (lat. conductores). Gadamer will «urbanize» Heidegger's territory turning Being into Tradition, in which history and language join; thus, being a man would consist of being a good "translator". Lastly, Sloterdijk will fix the sense of being in technique and its history, man being in this case the agent that converts sensitive signals from the environment to signs: first, linguistic, later electronic and now biotechnogenetical. According to that, man could be defined today really as a "transducer".Downloads
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