Factors that influence the organizational climate in education: a systematic review


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.621701
Keywords: organizational climate, education, teachers


The organizational climate is a topic of great interest in both the business and educational fields. However, there is a large gap in literature regarding the factors that are involved in this. Therefore, it is important to know what they are and how they impact the proper functioning of basic and high school educational institutions to improve the performance of teachers. The objective of this review is to know the different factors that impact the organizational climate, to understand how they influence the perception of teachers within their respective educational institutions. For this reason, an investigation was carried out in databases such as Web of Scince, Scopus and EBSCOhost, including open access articles in English and Spanish, the search was carried out in a period from 2013 to 2023, in turn registration in PROSPERO, the registration number is CDR42024536913. A total of 54 articles were found, of which 8 met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed for this study: 2 studies are related to factors on the influence of leadership on managers of educational institutions, 2 studies examine job satisfaction of the teaching staff, 3 that evaluate the organizational climate, motivation, work performance, teacher commitment and 1 on the organizational climate and the implementation of a program. The findings revealed are the factors that influence the organizational climate in educational institutions, to mention a few: job satisfaction, organizational culture, work affect, teacher performance, teacher commitment, work motivation, quality of work life, the school environment, leadership of the director and leadership of the teacher, as well as good communication between them.

For this reason, research was conducted in databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, and EBSCOhost, including articles in the English and Spanish language open access, the search was conducted in a period from 2013 to 2023, in turn, the registration was made in PROSPERO, the registration number is CDR4202024536913.
A total of 54 articles were found, of which 8 met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed for this study: 2 studies are related to factors on the influence of leadership on the managers of educational institutions, 2 studies examine the job satisfaction of teachers, 3 that evaluate the organizational climate, motivation, job performance, teachers' commitment and 1 on organizational climate and the implementation of a program. The findings revealed which factors influence organizational climate in educational institutions, to mention a few: job satisfaction, organizational culture, job affection, teacher performance, teacher commitment, teacher motivation, quality of work life, school environment, managerial leadership, and teacher leadership, as well as good communication between them.


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24-01-2025 — Updated on 24-01-2025
How to Cite
Zamora-Rodríguez, D. R., Morquecho-Sánchez, R., Delgado-Herrada, M. I., Morales-Sánchez, V., & Acosta-González, A. L. (2025). Factors that influence the organizational climate in education: a systematic review. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 25(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.621701
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