Vol. 4 (1997): Annexes of Antiquity and Christianity: The ideological structures of the Justinian Code

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

Vol. 4 (1997): Annexes of Antiquity and Christianity: The ideological structures of the Justinian Code

The consideration of the Codex Iuris Civilis has gone through multiple stages throughout the history of research. Mitteis, trying an extensive treatment of the privadoromano right, was put as a limit the epoch of Diocletian, confessing not to be able to advance any further because between the law of the classical jurists and that codified by Justinian there is given a talantithesis that is excluded any "zusammenfassende Behandlung". Still in 1933 Biondo Bioni approaching the intelligence of the Corpus Iuris Civilis believed that "considering the Justinian law from the historical point of view some of the difficulties that have tormented the ancient interpreters vanish".

Published: 08-05-1997
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ayc
Frequency: Anual