No. 30 (2013): Toponymy and Ancient History. tribute to Fr. Eutimio Martino S. J. on his 90th birthday

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 30 (2013): Toponymy and Ancient History. tribute to Fr. Eutimio Martino S. J. on his 90th birthday

Eutimio Martino has always been a man who allowed himself to be owned by his work. In his time as a teacher of Humanities, the students said of him that he taught by infecting and, in effect: He has been one of the few teachers who have created a magazine to make students have a means of expression and begin to learn by walking, practicing. It was the journal Cuaderno de Humanidades. Fr. Martino is a pure scientist and, as such, neither he believes himself infallible nor do we think so. His theories are as debatable as many others currently on the table. The only thing we want is to highlight them, insert them into national and international discussion, make them known to the field of science so that they are discussed. We believe that they are very worthy of such consideration, that not only do they not detract from others that are studied with great respect today, but we affirm that their results are more plausible than many of the others, and in any case, that they are proposals that can advance The science.

Published: 13-03-2013
Frequency: Anual
