La política religiosa del Imperio Romano y la cristiandad hispánica durante el siglo V


  • J. Vilella Masana


In the fifth century Hispanic Catholic ecclesiastics —some of whom fled from the Peninsula due to the irruption of the barbarians— continued to depend from the Roman Empire to defend their political and religious orthodoxy, which at this moment coincides with the aims of the Empire. Both the Emperor and the Pontifice pursue the restoration of the Hispanic unity so as to secure the Roman order and restore their own authority, helping the Hispanic people against the barbarians and the heretics.


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Author Biography

J. Vilella Masana

Universidad de Barcelona
How to Cite
Vilella Masana, J. (1990). La política religiosa del Imperio Romano y la cristiandad hispánica durante el siglo V. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (7), 385–390. Retrieved from