On the origins of Todmir


  • José García Antón
Keywords: Todmir, Cora, Al-Andalus, Visigoths, Late Antiquity


Todmir, the lands of the old southeast, a crossroads of civilizations, which in Islamic times received the name of the Christian caudillo who ruled them and who, after agreeing with Abdelaziz, continued to lead them, has dark origins as such a political entity, since the sources either do not exist or the reference to a certain governorate of Orihuela - which we assume to be the capital where Todomiro lived - are the most concise. This work aims to establish a certain hypothesis that leads to a better knowledge of the history of this land before the Muslims set foot on it. (...)


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How to Cite
García Antón, J. (1985). On the origins of Todmir. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (2), 369–383. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ayc/article/view/58511