The Byzantine wall of Carthago Nova
The Byzantine presence in Cartagena is a fact that both ancient written sources and archeology, in more recent times, have been confirming. One of the most important testimonies that corroborated this was the discovery of a tombstone with a commemorative inscription during the foundation works of the old convent of the Plaza de la Merced, in the 18th century, in which the construction reconstruction is directly referred to. - of a wall that Patricio Comenciolo ordered to make in the time of Emperor Maurice.
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Primeras Jornadas de Arqueología en las ciudades actuales. Zaragoza 14 a 16 de Enero, 1983. Delegación de Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico del Excmo, Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, 1983, 190 págs.
RAVEGNANI, G. Castelli e Città Fortificate nel VI Secolo. Mario Lapucci. Ed. Girasole. Ravena 1983. pág. 16.
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