The Therapeutai and the Essenes: two Ancient Jewish Ascetic Communities
In this article we are intending to approach the reality of two Jewish ascetic trends, the Essenes and the Therapeutai of Alexandria, that flourished during the Herodian era, at the end of the Second Temple period, both in the Palestinian territory and in the diaspora. Our aim is to analyze their similarities and differences as well as their most outstanding characteristics, keeping in mind our belief that they represent two interconnected but different realities, although sometimes some researchers have sought to identify them as the same one. The ancient texts that provide us with information about the Essenes are mainly works by Philo of Alexandria, Flavius Josephus, Pliny the Elder, Nicholas of Damascus and Dio Chrysostom. In regard to the Therapeutai, we only have the testimony of Philo in his treatise De vita contemplativa, and of later authors who take the texts of the Jewish-Alexandrian philosopher as the basis of their writings, such as Eusebius of Caesarea or Saint Jerome (Jer. De vir illus. 11; Eus. HE. 2. 17, 1-24). The Jewish asceticism of these moments, in addition to its relevance per se, has a special significance because in some way it is at the origin of later Christian monasticism.
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