Las relaciones iglesia urbana – iglesia rural en los concilios hispano-romanos y visigodos


  • Manuel Sotomayor


Christianity within the frontiers of the Roman Empire is presented as a urban phenomenon, but the city has a territory, not always easy to determine, linked religiously with the same. The decline of the city makes the country side more important also from the religious point of view. This is also evident in the abundant references to the rural churches in the Hispanic Roman and Visigothic Councils. Although the Councils are urban these reflect an intensive Christian activity in the rural ambit, where the greatest expansion takes places in the 6

th and 7 centuries.


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Author Biography

Manuel Sotomayor

Facultad de Teología de Granada

How to Cite
Sotomayor, M. (2004). Las relaciones iglesia urbana – iglesia rural en los concilios hispano-romanos y visigodos. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (21), 525–539. Retrieved from