Piedras y ritos de fertilidad en el Alto Aragón


  • Manuel Benito


During a survey in search of fecundidty rituals in or on stones, we found a series of stone works in the Region of Huesca (Spain). We can link them to the world of fertility by means of their names (Lucia/Santa Lucia, Moras, Mujer), gynecological and phallic morphology, and some isolated remains of oral tradition. These holes may have had their origin some 1,000 years ago according to the amount of erosion discernible in the sandstone. Between the 9

th and 10th centuries, stone masons were found to be fortifying the Al Andalus frontier in order to protect the northern Ebro region. The presence of those stone masons, who proved to be excellent stone workers, seems to be linked to the creation of these caves because of the high perfection and similarity in some of them.


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How to Cite
Benito, M. (2006). Piedras y ritos de fertilidad en el Alto Aragón. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 813–860. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ayc/article/view/52391