La figura de Mahoma en Contra perfidiam Mahometi, de Dionisio Cartujano


  • Salvador Sandoval Martínez


In this controversial work

Contra perfidiam Mahometi libri quattuor, Dionisio Cartujo presents Mahoma as an image full of those cliches which the Christian literature against the Islam had branded the moral identification of the Prophet. Using the same sources as his predecessors, especially the Collectio toletana, Dionisio, not being original, is prolific describing Mahoma as a fake prophet who used unorthodox methods to rise himself up as the head of the Arabs, pretending to have received from on High the revelation established in the Koran. For Dionisio, the fat that several Christian heresies are part of the Koranic doctrine represents the evidence that the Mahometan religion is a Christian heresy. It should also be mentioned that the moral perversion of Mahoma, which according to Dionisio, is exemplified in the cruel methods he used to spread his «prophesy» and in his scandalous sexual promiscuity, and gives to the word «prophet» an inappropriate image.


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How to Cite
Sandoval Martínez, S. (2006). La figura de Mahoma en Contra perfidiam Mahometi, de Dionisio Cartujano. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 627–645. Retrieved from