La iglesia tardoantigua de Parpalinas (Pipaona de Ocón, La Rioja), campaña arqueológica de 2005


  • Urbano Espinosa Ruiz


In this paper is proposed to identify the archaeologic site of Parpalinas (Pipaona de Ocón, La Rioja) with the toponym


Parpalines alluded by Braulius of Saragossa (Vita Aemiliani). There are described the results of the first campaign of archaeological excavations realized during 2005 in Parpalinas’s necropolis, where there has appeared a church that is dated in the VIth and VIIth century. That is a relevant contribution for a better knowledge of the historical changes that take place in the rural areas of the Middle Ebro Valley during these centuries.


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Author Biography

Urbano Espinosa Ruiz

Universidad de La Rioja
How to Cite
Espinosa Ruiz, U. (2006). La iglesia tardoantigua de Parpalinas (Pipaona de Ocón, La Rioja), campaña arqueológica de 2005. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 309–322. Retrieved from