Representaciones mitológicas, leyendas de héroes y retratos de escritores en los mosaicos de época imperial en Siria, Fenicia, Palestina, Arabia, Chipre, Grecia y Asia Menor


  • José María Blázquez Martínez
  • Guadalupe López Monteagudo
  • Pilar San Nicolás Pedraz


In this work a study in made of the mythology, legends of heroes and representations of Gre-ek writers in mosaics during the Roman era, particularly in Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine, Arabia,Chyprus, Greece and Asia Minor. From the beginning of the rule of August up to the Arab con-quest these regions were renown for the outstanding quality and quantity of their mosaics. Syriacontinued, under the Arabic domination to produce excellent musiv works, as can be seen in themosaics in the mosque of Jerusalen.


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How to Cite
Blázquez Martínez, J. M., López Monteagudo, G., & San Nicolás Pedraz, P. (2004). Representaciones mitológicas, leyendas de héroes y retratos de escritores en los mosaicos de época imperial en Siria, Fenicia, Palestina, Arabia, Chipre, Grecia y Asia Menor. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (21), 277–371. Retrieved from