La Cueva Negra de Fortuna (Murcia): un posible ‘témenos’ indígena posteriormente sincretizado


  • A. Rodríguez Colmenero


This study proposes a relationship between the Sanctuary of the Cueva Negra with other sacred sites identifi ed in the Iberian Peninsula. It intends to delve more deeply in the theme of the evolution of the Sanctuary, especially highlighting the pre-Roman phase, the fi rst Roma epoch and the late Roman period, and dedicates an epigraph to the problem of the oriental phase. The study fi nishes placing the emphasis on the sincretic character of the cults on this site.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Colmenero, A. (2003). La Cueva Negra de Fortuna (Murcia): un posible ‘témenos’ indígena posteriormente sincretizado. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (20), 423–435. Retrieved from