Interpretación semántica de ‘Venis infestus et docilis et mobilis’ (inscripción nº 31) en el contexto de la Cueva Negra (Fortuna, Murcia)


  • Francisco García Jurado
  • Isabel Vel´ázquez Soriano


A lexical analysis of inscription no. 31, particularly of the terms docilis and infestus has been undertaken. This has enabled us to develop an interpretation of the titulus which leads to believe that some kind of educational activity was carried out here. This may have been teach-ings based on literary knowledge (docilis suggests relations with the rhetorical fi eld), or perhaps some type of initiation rites were carried out. In this sense, the concomitants with the 19thOdaof the second book of Horacio are quite signifi cant, insomuch for their localization in the Cave and for the teachings of the god Bacchus to the Nymphs.


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How to Cite
García Jurado, F., & Vel´ázquez Soriano, I. (2003). Interpretación semántica de ‘Venis infestus et docilis et mobilis’ (inscripción nº 31) en el contexto de la Cueva Negra (Fortuna, Murcia). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (20), 325–334. Retrieved from