The Prefecture of the Praetorium: Rise and "decline" of a Roman military post


  • Pedro David Conesa Navarro
Keywords: Praetorian prefect, equestrian rank, senatorial rank, crisis, power, Augustus, Septimius Severus, Constantine


In this article, we will try to address an analysis of the Prefecture of the Praetorium, incurring in the aspects related to the position. That is, in this study we will not find a diachronic analysis of the different Prefects of the Praetorium that have passed through the History of Rome, but rather, an analysis of the different faculties that this office had, especially during the periods that we believe were key (second and third century A.D.).


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How to Cite
Conesa Navarro, P. D. (2012). The Prefecture of the Praetorium: Rise and "decline" of a Roman military post. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (29), 375–406. Retrieved from