The islands: aristocratic comedy or comedy media?


  • Mikel Labiano
Keywords: Aristophanes, Aristophanic fragments, Islands


This article reviews the question of the authenticity of Aristophanes' fragmentary comedy "The Islands". Despite the doubts raised in antiquity and even today by modern scholars, the conclusions are clear: "The Islands" is a comedy by Aristophanes. This is confirmed by its interaction with other aristophane pieces, its language, its style and its spirit, completely within the coordinates of Aristophanes and the ancient Greek comedy.


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A. MEINEKE, Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum, Vol. 1, Berlín 1839, p. 209,

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G. KAIBEL, “Zur attischen Komödie”, Hermes 24, 1889, 35–66, p. 46.

G. NORWOOD, Greek Comedy, Londres 1931, p. 293.

I. STOREY, Fragments of Old Comedy, Vol. 1, Cambridge (MA)/Londres 2011, p. 95

J. VAN LEEUWEN, Aristophanis Pax, Lugduni Batavorum 1906, p. 90

K. J. DOVER, The Evolution of Greek Prose Style, Oxford 1997, p.119.

L. GIL, Aristófanes, Madrid 1996.

N. DUNBAR, Aristophanes. Birds, Oxford 1995, p. 624

P. CHANTRAINE, La formation des noms en grec ancien, París 1933, p. 70.

P. GEISSLER, Chronologie der altattischen Komödie, Dublín/Zúrich 1969

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S. D. OLSON, Aristophanes. Acharnians, Oxford 2002, p. 106.

W. J. M. STARKIE, The Clouds of Aristophanes, Amsterdam 1911, p. 22

How to Cite
Labiano, M. (2012). The islands: aristocratic comedy or comedy media?. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (29), 321–336. Retrieved from