Around with the "false" chronicles


  • Antonino González Blanco
Keywords: Cronicon, falseness, apocryphal


This article shows the historical interest that the "chronicles" have properly read, because they collect and transmit living traditions at the end of the sixteenth century and serve, therefore, as historical sources. Four examples are given: 1) The location of the city of Begastri. 2) The cult of the saints in the fountain of Bugejar. 3) The specific case of the cult to the saints Fabriciano and Filiberto, patron saints of Titulcia and venerated in other places, in Madrid. 4) The legend of the Cross of Caravaca. Finally, some reflections are offered on the historical genre of "chronicles".


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How to Cite
González Blanco, A. (2012). Around with the "false" chronicles . Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (29), 215–226. Retrieved from