Archaeological and artistic fakes in the collections of Madrid's municipal museums


  • Salvador Quero Castro
Keywords: Falsifications, copies, museums of Madrid Municipality, Emilio Rotondo, Germany, Ahnenerbe

Supporting Agencies

  • Falsification


Falsifications have not always been made with the intention of deceiving, most of the time it was the desire to emulate or make copies that led to the imitation of the originals. In the museums of Madrid City Council there are different examples of copies made from Prehistory to Roman times. There are also examples of fraudulent forgeries of idols, plates, ceramics and fibulas sold to the 19th-century collector Don Emilio Rotondo. There are pieces with excessive integrations that, if they do not completely falsify the objects, they do distort them in a good part, this is the case of the Lorant collection of the Museum of San Isidro. There is documentation of authentic Visigothic jewellery fakes, some of which were sold in Germany and in which the members of the Ahnenerbe took an interest. On the other hand, it is also known that when cleaning a work in the Museum of History in Madrid considered false, a magnificent painting by Lucca Giordano was found underneath.


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How to Cite
Quero Castro, S. (2012). Archaeological and artistic fakes in the collections of Madrid’s municipal museums. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (29), 61–74. Retrieved from