Current Issue

Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology

Vol. 40 No. 3 (2024): october - december
Published: 19-07-2024
Editor: Editum - Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia (España)
Frequency: Tres números al año / Quarterly

Clinical and Health Psychology

Developmental and Educational Psychology

Organizational psychology


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© Editum - Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia (Spain)

Began publication in: 1984 (quarterly journal from 2011)
Manuscripts peer review system (external experts to the editorial team) 

  • Editorial Team and Editorial Advisory Board
  • Impact Factor:
    - in JCR 2023
    (Journal of Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics, published in june, 2024): 1.4, Q3 (116 of 218, 47%) in SSCI Psychology - Multidisciplinary).
    - in JCI 2023
     (Journal Citation Indicator, Clarivate Analytics, new!), with all WoS journals: 0.57, Q3 (123 of 218, 44.27%) in Psychology – Multidisciplinary, published in june 2024
    - in SJR 2023
    (Scimago Journal Rank, Scopus, Elsevier: 0.457 (Q3, 157 of 310, 50.64%, Psychol. Miscellaneous, published in june 2024)


Last issue of the Journal: 2024 (october-december), vol. 40, #3, pp. 355-480